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City of Campbelltown

Client City of Campbelltown
Evaluation by Henry Haavisto
Position Tree Management Officer
Date of Evaluation 20/02/18
Complied by Tim Sharpe
Site Address Weymouth Street, Campbelltown SA 5074
Planting Scheme Street Trees
Soil Type Loamy Clay
Type of Plants



Old roses had been removed from the site so there was a risk of rose sickness
disease occurring.


Poor quality, impoverished soil.

Why use TerraCottem?

It was a high profile site, so needed the extra insurance that TerraCottem offers. TerraCottem gives us that extra buffer if
we can’t keep up with the watering program of we have excessive heat waves.

TerraCottem Installation Date June 2015
Installation Method Per plant. Blended with the backfill soil when planting
Application Rate Standard rate
Watering Method Hand watering from a truck
Watering Schedule  Once per fortnight for the 1st year. Some watering during hot periods in the 2nd year. 40 litres per plant.
Did you achieve your goal with TerraCottem? Yes
Did you also plant trees/shrubs without TerraCottem (a control)?  No
What were the results of your work with TC on this site? How would you describe the plants/turf? Looking very healthy with minimal signs of stress.
Can you make a comparison with a similar application the previous / same season where you didn’t use TerraCottem? No


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